4 Ways You Can Use Newny For Audience Engagement

We’ve curated a short list of 4 ways you can engage your audience using Newny. The mission for Newny is to help organisations optimise their audience engagement. This means we need to be adaptable to how you choose to engage with your audience.


If 2020 was the year of virtual events, 2021 will be the year more businesses double down and engage with their audiences in Webinars. Linkedin recently launched Linkedin Events in an effort to help businesses reach more people. This is an untapped opportunity to exploit for all types of businesses. discover prospects and build authority in your sector. The opportunity is huge and it’s vital that you know how to exploit it properly using the right tools that are easily available for your attendees and yourself. This is what we do at Newny, you can Learn more here.


Newny works great in a small setting too, run a brainstorming session with your team or collect questions for your training session that you are hosting for clients. Measure incremental progress from your participants over the course of the training programme. It’s a great tool to include in your arsenal for all your workshops.


So you’re a podcast host or you run a podcast for your organisation and you’ve been telling your viewers to send in questions via email or leave them in the comments section of 3 different social networks? Yes, you need Newny.

Collect questions from your listeners before the event starts, get your listeners to upvote other questions and leave feedback behind once the podcast is released. You could then use our Insights tool to better understand who your listeners are and what topics mostly resonate with them. Put yourself in better positions to have conversations with your listeners, especially if podcasts are a form of content marketing for your organisation.

Hybrid Events

Hybrid events are set to become a major part of the events industry for Q3 and Q4, if the pandemic begins to subside and allow small groups gathering again. This also poses a unique problem, how can you unify your audience engagement if part of the audience is virtual, whilst the other part is physically present 🤔? 

You can answer this question with Newny. Use Newny to unify your engagement for both online and offline audiences. Monitor the Q&A and feedback directly from Newny.

If this sounds exactly like what you need, head over to newny.io