Using Events to create Testimonials for your Business

Testimonials are a great way to showcase your business from your clients perspective. It adds credibility and provides social proofing your business. 

It helps show prospective clients that you and your team are not only potentially meeting their needs but that you’re someone who can leave an impression with those you work with. 

Enough for them to spare a few minutes to acknowledge your awesomeness!

Running an Event helps put your business and team in a position of ‘subject authority’ in your industry. 

It shows passion and encourages potential clients (and often existing ones too) to trust that you can help them solve their problem and provide a good service.

You can find out why testimonials bring vast credibility to your business and places’ you at the top of mind for future customers, here on’s blog about this topic

What are the different ways you can encourage Testimonials from your Events?

Ensure your attendees are customers

The majority of Events are run on the basis of generating interest in the service that you sell. 

Dedicating part of your events to your customers to learn more about you as an organisation and as a chance to gather feedback will help continue to cement your organisation as their go-to for your service.

Run feedback sessions near the end of the event

There’s never a perfect moment to ask for feedback but we recommend getting feedback nearer to the end of the event. 

Better yet, trying to gamify your feedback request could encourage clients to leave some for you. 

As part of your request, ensure to clarify their consent for you to share their feedback as a testimonial of the service they’ve received from you.

Ask questions about their experience using your service

Running Q&A sessions either during your event or after can help you not only get feedback about your services but also ensure the quality of your events remain high. 

Building rapport by providing value generating events for your clients will never negatively impact your bottom line.

Why Feedback is important

Learning about what makes your services tick is super important to the integrity of your business as a whole. Here is an interesting essay on this topic.

A sure way to know that you are running a service that the customers will love is placing their feedback and testimonials of your service at the centre of your strategy. 

Check out the book The Mom Test by Rob Fitzpatrick to learn more about putting your customers first.

To conclude..

Be proactive and creative when trying to get feedback or build testimonials for your service. 

Use any means possible (even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone).

The goal at hand is to ensure customers are satisfied with your service. 

Once you know they are, the goal should be getting them to shout out about them.

One of the best ways to do this is by showing your appreciation for choosing you by creating value generating events and Q&A sessions that’ll help you generate testimonials and word of mouth recommendations to other future customers.

We hope you found this guide useful. 

Get Started with your own Q&A events on Newny today.